Tree planting at Fatima Health Centre
200 trees arrived from NHS Forests for planting at the health centre towards the end of November 2024.
To get enough volunteers to support the tree planting, the practice linked up with Andy’s Man club, patients from their patient participation group and staff volunteers across the various organisations at Fatima Health Centre.
Vinci Building are constructing the new wing at Guild Lodge, a local inpatient mental health unit. They were advised to look at NHS Forests and through this website, contacted the practice to get involved, providing equipment and volunteers! This supports their social value and integrated health objectives. They are hoping to work with social prescribers on future projects to recycle materials etc for other local projects and planning to continue to support our development plans for a community garden!
They supplied the wood for a patient workshop at Guild Lodge who have produced the signs for the fruit trees and the extra mulch.
Look out for an update to see how these trees are growing in an update later next year.