Fit and Proper Person Test Policy

In response to the recommendations made by Tom Kark KC in his 2019 review (The Kark Review), the ICB has implemented systems and processes to ensure that all new and existing board members comply with the requirements of the Fit and Proper Person Test Framework which came into effect for ICBs from 30th September 2023.

The ICB’s Fit and Proper Person Test Policy describes the arrangements that NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB has established to ensure those individuals with authority in the ICB including both executive and non-executive members of the board are “fit and proper” in that they are of good character and, have the qualifications, skills and experience necessary to carry out the role. It also sets out how the ICB will ensure that none of the criteria of “unfitness” as set out in the regulations applies, and therefore would prevent a member serving on the board of an NHS organisation. 

The policy includes information that will be gathered as part of the recruitment process for board level appointments (or promotions to board level roles), as well as information that will be included within board members’ references.   In addition, a set of standard competencies (due to be published in 2024/25, will be  incorporated into board members’ appraisal process and all of these arrangements will be tested as part of an annual review and self- assessment process.

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