GP services in Coniston

Dr Katharina Frey and Dr Ahmed Abbas, who run Coniston Village Surgery at Wraysdale House in the village, have announced that, from 1 August 2025, they will hand back to the NHS their contract to provide general medical services at the practice. This is due to the retirement of Dr Frey and the practice being unable to recruit a new partner. NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board now needs to make a decision on the future of the practice, and we want the views of patients to inform this decision.

One of the options is that the practice may close and patients asked to register with an alternative existing GP practice. We are not asking patients to register at one of these practices yet.

The current Coniston Village Surgery building is not owned by the NHS and while it has housed GP services in the area for a number of years, it does not meet the requirements we would prefer to use for modern healthcare settings.

The views of the patients are paramount in helping us make this decision. As a patient at Coniston Village Surgery we would therefore like to invite you to provide comments using the survey below.

We will also be hosting two drop-in sessions where you can give your comments to a member of our team. These will take place at The Coniston Institute in Yewdale Road. The sessions will take place on:

  • Tuesday 4 March, from 10am to noon
  • Thursday 6 March, from 2pm to 4pm

If you are unable to attend the daytime drop-in sessions due to work or other commitments and would like to arrange a conversation with a member of the NHS team running these on the evening of Tuesday 11 March, please email

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