Have your say
If getting involved in shaping healthcare services is all new to you. Here are our five top tips to get you started.
- Consider how much time you have to get involved and look for opportunities which match the time you have available.
- Don’t worry if you don’t understand NHS jargon! You should receive support to help understand the words that are used and any necessary information and training.
- If you are getting involved in a formal role and also work, check with your employer whether you are entitled to paid time off. If you are not employed, speak to Jobcentre Plus about your plans.
- Think about your reasons for getting involved and what you hope to achieve.
- Ask questions about what will be expected of you and what support you will get if you are getting involved in a more formal role.
You can find out more about some of the opportunities to get involved in the work of the NHS by reading the sections below.
Get involved across Lancashire and South Cumbria:
There are a number of ways to get involved with us across the whole of Lancahire and South Cumbria, and in some cases the North West or whole of England. Below are our current opportunities but the easiest way to always be in the know is to join our virtual Citizen Panel. Our Citizen Panel members are alerted first to any engagement opportunities we have available.
Opportunities in your local area
There are many ways in which you can get involved in your local area:
- Become a Trust member and help to influence how healthcare services are developed.
- Join your GP practice Patient Participation Group (PPG) and put forward views and suggestions.
- Join your local Maternity Voice Partnership (MVP) and help to design services that meet the needs of local women, parents and families.
- Find your local Healthwatch and talk to them about your experience of health and social care services.
For more information click on the links below.