Beyond the challenge: moving into delivery - chief executive's state of the system report published

Date posted: 22nd July 2024 Beyond the challenge: moving into delivery - chief executive's state of the system report published thumbnail image


Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board chief executive Kevin Lavery has published his latest state of the system report.

Titled “Beyond the challenge: moving into delivery”, the report follows on from last year’s “Turning challenges into opportunities” report. It describes some of the progress in Lancashire and South Cumbria over the past 12 months and explains what has been taking place to tackle the complex challenges within health and care.

The document is intended to complement the ICB’s annual report and joint forward plan, by providing a less formal narrative around the work that is taking place across the system and gives Kevin’s honest reflections of where we still need to achieve more.

Read the report here: LSC Integrated Care Board :: The state of our system report (

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