Final month to book a COVID-19 autumn booster ahead of the festive season
Date posted: 16th November 2023Health chiefs in Lancashire and South Cumbria are urging eligible people who haven’t yet had their autumn booster to come forward to avoid missing out.
The last date to book a COVID-19 vaccine on the National Booking Service is expected to be Thursday 14 December, after that date there will still be some walk-in and outreach clinics offering vaccinations.
The local vaccination helpline 0300 7906 856 is available for more information and help with finding a vaccination service near to where you live.
By calling the number (between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday), you can also access more information about the COVID-19 vaccine.
With COVID-19 still circulating in the region, getting vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself, as well as your family and friends, this Christmas.
Carole McCann chief nurse for the Lancashire and South Cumbria vaccination programme, said: “Getting vaccinated is the best protection against serious illness and hospitalisation from COVID-19. At this time of year, where people are likely to be gathering with work colleagues, friends, and, of course, family get-togethers over Christmas and New Year, it is important to get protected.”
Since the latest phase of the COVID-19 vaccination programme launched in September, almost 350,000 vaccines have been delivered in Lancashire and South Cumbria to people who are most at risk of becoming seriously ill with the virus, but many more people are yet to come forward.
Eligible people - including all aged 65 and over, pregnant women, those with an underlying health condition and frontline health and social care staff - looking to book their autumn booster should make sure their appointment takes place at least three months since their last dose.
As well as the local COVID-19 vaccination helpline 0300 7906 856, you can also book on the NHS App or by calling 119, or visiting
Some pharmacies and other vaccine services offer walk-in clinics and people can search for their nearest location on the NHS website.