Lancashire and South Cumbria Dementia Action Week events

Date posted: 8th May 2024 Lancashire and South Cumbria Dementia Action Week events thumbnail image

Health and care organisations across Lancashire and South Cumbria are supporting Dementia Action Week with a series of events to raise awareness about dementia.

A packed week of events including coffee mornings, singing, and dementia awareness sessions, is taking place across the region from Monday 13 May 2024.

Activities have been organised by a number of partners who have been working together for some months to develop a Lancashire and South Cumbria dementia strategy. 

Partners include councils, the NHS, the fire service, Healthwatch, and voluntary organisations, as well as carers of those with dementia.

The word 'dementia' describes a set of symptoms that over time can affect memory, problem-solving, language and behaviour. Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia.

Dementia Action Week, which runs from 13-19 May 2024, is an Alzheimer’s Society awareness raising campaign, which encourages people to act on dementia and understand the importance of early diagnosis.

The various events taking place across Lancashire and South Cumbria aim to either support people living with dementia or to help others understand what it is like for those living with the condition.

Please see the table below to find out what is going on in your area.

You can also support Dementia Action Week by downloading and sharing posters, flyers, backgrounds and banners which you can find on the Alzheimer’s Society website:

Dementia Action Week – what’s on? View table of events here.

Lancashire and South Cumbria dementia strategy

The Lancashire and South Cumbria dementia strategy aims to transform the health and social care system for the better, both for those living with dementia today and those who may receive a diagnosis in the future.

The strategy, which is close to being finalised, will set out the ambition and vision for the future of dementia services across Lancashire and South Cumbria – and how they will be achieved.

The strategy will be shared wider once it is finalised.

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