Minor health complaint? Visit your Pharmacy First

Date posted: 11th October 2024 Minor health complaint? Visit your Pharmacy First thumbnail image

Thousands of people in Lancashire and South Cumbria suffering from a minor health complaint have received faster treatment via their local pharmacy thanks to a recently-launched service.

Pharmacy First is a national service allowing pharmacists to prescribe NHS medicines where clinically appropriate without the need for the individual to wait for an appointment with their GP practice.

People can be referred to the service by their GP practice or, for some health conditions, they can just walk in.

Kath Gulson, chair of the Lancashire and South Cumbria local professional network for pharmacy, said: “Our most recent figures showed Pharmacy First had been used more than 60,000 times by May of this year, which is really pleasing to see.

“GP practices are working harder than ever at the moment but there is still a lot of demand and we are always looking at ways pharmacies can help to support people get the help they need.

“Pharmacists are highly trained experts in medicines and the pharmacy should be a person’s first port of call for all minor ailments.

“We are delighted Pharmacy First is making such a difference, but now we want to continue raising awareness of the service so even more people can get the treatment they need as quickly as possible.”

One person who has used the service is Jane Crowton, from Ambleside, who had been feeling unwell when she noticed it had turned into a rash. While away at a wedding in Derbyshire, she feared the worst and called her GP surgery for advice.

She was recommended to contact pharmacist Ravi Voruganti at Thomas Bell Pharmacy in Lake Road, where advice and treatment would be available under the Pharmacy First service.

Jane, 67, said: “I just knew it was shingles and the receptionist at the doctors told me to go straight to see Ravi. I am really glad I did.

“By this point I was feeling really quite unwell and the rash was getting worse. He took me into a consulting room and asked me a few questions. He was so attentive and gave me all the time he needed.

“Then he gave me the antivirals I needed and I started to take them. I don’t like taking medicine so after a few days I thought it was getting a bit better and I went to see him and asked if I could stop taking them – he quickly set me straight!

“I really don’t know where I would have been if I hadn’t been able to see Ravi and get the medication so quickly.”

Pharmacist Ravi Voruganti said: “Pharmacy First is great since patients can easily walk in or arrange an appointment for certain conditions and, if appropriate, prescription medication can be supplied.

“This utilises the clinical skills and experience of pharmacists to ensure we are better integrated into NHS services in the community.”

The conditions that can be treated without the need for first contacting the GP practice are:

  • Sinusitis.
  • Sore throat.
  • Earache in children.
  • Infected insect bite.
  • Impetigo.
  • Shingles.
  • Uncomplicated urinary tract infections in women.

For more information on Pharmacy First, or to find your nearest pharmacy, visit https://www.nhs.uk/thinkpharmacyfirst

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