A groundbreaking new approach in providing health tests closer to home is delivering great results for patients from Heysham and surrounding areas.
Nearly 3,500 patients across the area have now received diagnostic tests at a new Community Diagnostics Centre (CDC) in Heysham which opened on 1 March offering more flexibility and choice to patients.
Anonymous feedback acknowledges the benefits with one patient commenting: “I received a phone call from the CDC team to book in for a spirometry test when referred by my GP. I could not have the test immediately due to being on antibiotics, however, my appointment was rearranged quickly once I could have the test. I am very happy with the care provided and the minimal wait for appointment time.
“On the day of my appointment, I didn't have to wait. I arrived and was called straight in to my appointment. I would definitely recommend the service to family and friends if they should need it.”
The CDC is a partnership between University Hospitals Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust (UHMBT) and Morecambe Bay Primary Care Collaborative (MBPCC), supported by the Lancashire and South Cumbria Diagnostics Collaborative.
Tony Crick, Chief Allied Health Practitioner at UHMBT and Clinical Lead for the Lancashire and South Cumbria Physiological Science Network, said: “CDCs are designed to offer a range of diagnostic services in one location whilst enabling quicker access to diagnostic tests enabling faster access to subsequent treatment.
“They are also an incredible opportunity for primary and secondary care service providers to work more closely together to ensure a seamless service and the best possible outcomes for our communities.
“We are already carrying out over a thousand additional tests per month thanks to the new CDC and more services are being introduced in the next couple of months. This will have a real benefit to our local community.”
Graeme Redshaw, Chief Operating Officer for MBPCC, said: “We are really pleased to be working with UHMBT to offer a range of diagnostic services in a location that will be more convenient for our patients. The system also enables quicker access to results and any subsequent treatment.
“The centre offers a range of diagnostic tests in one, convenient location, helping to cut the time and expense to patients of attending lots of different appointments - making it quicker and easier for patients to access potentially life-saving tests for a wide range of conditions. We also look forward to increasing the number of CDCs across the area later this year.”
MBPCC is a local not-for-profit organisation created by General Practice in 2015 to support GP practices and the health and social care system. They offer clinical services to patients right across Morecambe Bay and non-clinical services across the whole of Lancashire and South Cumbria.