Lancashire and South Cumbria Sarcoma CQG
Sarcoma CQG Chair: Dr Nasim Ali, Consultant Medical Oncologist, The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust
CQG Group Contact: Emma Copland
The role and purpose of the Sarcoma CQG is to provide clinical leadership, direction and strategy and set priorities to improve cancer care for patients. They are the primary source of clinical opinion to Cheshire & Merseyside and Lancashire & South Cumbria.
The CQG should have active engagement of all MDT/nominated service leads from the constituebt organisations in both Cheshire & Merseyside and Lancashire and South Cumbria Cancer Alliances.
Shared Pathways
The L&SC Sarcoma CRG share their pathways with the Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance.
The shared Sarcoma pathways can be accessed here.