About the lung scans/CT scans

Who can’t have a scan?

There are several reasons why you might not be offered a low-dose CT scan, for example, if:

  • you have had a chest CT scan within the previous 12 months,
  • you are unable to lie flat,
  • you are unable to get onto the CT scanning bed without support unless a friend, family member or carer can attend the scan and help you,
  • you weigh more than 200kg/31.5 stones,
  • you’re not physically fit, or
  • you are not able to consent to a CT scan and it is not in your best interests to have one.          

Can I bring someone to my appointment?

This will depend on your local service, please see their relevant contact details from your invitation and ask them directly.

Do I have to get undressed if I need a CT scan?

You may need to remove your coat, but you can leave your clothing and shoes on. If you’re someone who wears a bra, please wear one without an underwire and please attend your appointment wearing a plain top (no zips, metal buttons or sequins).

What happens after a lung health check?

You will be informed of the results of your scan by letter within four weeks.

This video by Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation takes you through what happens if you are invited for a CT scan so you can make an informed decision about whether lung cancer screening is right for you.

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