What is Succession Planning?

A succession plan is a way of risk assessing and addressing workforce gaps or risks.  It allows you to identify critical positions, future staffing needs and maps out existing staff that could fill these roles in the future.   This is not always replacing like for like but assessing what roles you may need now and in the future.

It is the process of identifying new GP Leaders and developing them to take over those leadership roles.  In the case of primary care this is a succession of leading GP’s (Partners) seamlessly taking over the reins of a GP Practice.

It is also about considering your wider workforce - those in key leadership roles (i.e. not just those who hold your GMS Contract) and staff you would find difficult to manage without. 

Steps to Succession Planning

Firstly assess or keep re-assessing your practice challenges in the coming year(s) (e.g., New GP Contract; DES or QOF requirements) - what do you know will be happenign in 12 months or longer.  It a dynamic process as in situations change all the time of course.  

Identify any critical risk positions to support business continuity (e.g., GP Partners, Practice Management, Nurse Leads, Paramedics, Pharmacists .....)

Identify any skills and competencies that you need but don’t have.  Do you actually know what your gaps are?

By evaluating what you have you ensuring you are safeguarding you and your team by providing the right people for the roles.  Meeting your objectives and ensuring staff have an environment they wish to work in.  Staff will thrive in a forward thinking organisation and evidence shows that staff stay in an environment that values their staff.

Assess whether there are any staff members that could work towards or replace key roles.  "Grow your Own" is a familiar term but is and tried and tested approach, especially if staff wish to staff and progress.  

Are there any staff that have the skills and competencies that you may need.  There are staff you may feel have the potential to do more and grow with your organisation.  

Look at various training options both at the ICB Level & National -  look at taking both free and paid opportunities for staff.  Do you have someone in your organisation that looks out for education opportunities.  

The Workforce Development Team are a handy resource for signposting or for asking advice.

Who to Contact


Now is the last part of the planning process.  Capture what you know and everything you have identified.  You can either use a template or proforma you have yourself or use one of the templates provided.

Look at developing a pool of talent to step into critical positions through a mixture of options which we have given you on this website under "Managing Your Situation"

Let us know on the feedback form what you need if we haven't provided it.

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