Why is it important to use the Health Equity Assessment Tool (HEAT)?
The NHS Long Term Plan and the Lancashire and South Cumbria Joint Forward Plan for 2023 onwards both highlight the vital importance of taking action to reduce the health inequalities experienced by particular communities and population groups in relation to their access and experience of services and to their health outcomes.
However, before you can address any unforeseen or unrecognised health inequalities in terms of access, experience or outcomes you need to understand and identify what these
What is HEAT?
HEAT is a tool consisting of a series of questions and prompts, which are designed to help you systematically assess health inequalities related to your work programme or service and identify what you can do to help reduce inequalities.
HEAT will also help you to consider the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and the results can be used as the basis for a Equality and Health Inequalities Impact and Risk Assessment (EHIIRA) should you be considering commissioning a new service or making changes to a service or any policy, procedure, process or project affecting residents and/or staff.
What training is available?
A video of and slides from an online training session on HEAT can be found at:
Heath Equity Assessment Tool (HEAT) Training Session 20/10/2022 on Vimeo (Video)
heat-training-oct-22.pdf (nwpopulationhealth.nhs.uk) (Presentation)
A HEAT e-learning module can be found on e-learning for healthcare (e-lfh.org.uk) at Health Equity Assessment Tool - elearning for healthcare (e-lfh.org.uk)
You will need to register for free via the link below on the e-lfh website to access the Core20PLUS5 e-learning resources.
What advice and guidance is available?
In 2019-2020, Public Health England (PHE) reviewed and refreshed the Health Equity Assessment Tool (HEAT): Health Equity Assessment Tool (HEAT) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) which was developed to be used.
The NHSE Healthcare Public Health Team and OHID North West worked together to produce a HEAT Core20PLUS5 Toolkit. This toolkit contains an adapted version of the HEAT tool for each of the five clinical priority areas. It contains a series of prompts and signposting to relevant data sources. The toolkit is designed to support the identification of health inequities and actions to reduce inequalities.
The Academy is currently in discussion with the Office of Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) NW to develop a Train the Trainer (TtT) model for staff delivering programmes and services across the system in Lancashire and South Cumbria.
The key national and local reports on the nature and impact of health inequalities can be found listed below:
Best Practice Sessions
The videos of the Academy’s previous Best Practice Sessions can be found below: