Personalised Care Training

What is personalised care and why is it important?

The widely accepted definition of personalised care is that people have choice and control over the way their care is planned and delivered, based on what matters to them and their individual strengths and needs.

Personalised care recognises that there are two experts in the room - the practitioner with their knowledge and skills as a health care professional, and the person who is an expert in their own life and understands what is important to them. For this to happen we need a new kind of relationship between people, professionals, and the health and care system. One where people have more of a voice and are involved in the decisions that are being made about them. Personalised care is a well-researched, evidence-based approach that is based on a shared responsibility between system and patient and cuts across all services that we provide. It underpins our planned service transformation and service recovery plans. 

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Personalised care works, but only if we do it well; to achieve this we need to change the way we think and work, we need to change the culture of our service.

The training required by an individual practitioner will depend on their role, how they will work with a patient and what they are looking to achieve. The Personalised Care Supported Self-Management Delivery Model  sets out the patient journey in developing changed health and wellbeing behaviours, highlighting the range of knowledge and skills that are needed to help support the patient. It is important to recognise this journey will need to be supported by a team of people working together, combining their knowledge and skills to meet patient’s needs.

The Academy provides a range of in-house training in partnership with Active Lancashire, TPC Health and Insignia Health, to train and support, to help build the knowledge, skills and confidence of practitioners to help people change their behaviours and make healthy life-style choices.

It is important that services and practitioners select the right package of training and support for their role and the tasks they want to achieve. We offer a range of accredited online and face to face training together with recommendations for suitable e-learning where this is more appropriate. 

The short animation below further explains what personalised care means for people, professionals and the wider health and care system.

What is patient activation?

Patient activation is a measure of a person’s knowledge, skills, and confidence to manage their own health and wellbeing and is a core enabler for supporting self-management and personalising care.

Patient activation has been shown to cut costs and improve care outcomes. When patients effectively manage their own health, they are more likely to obtain overall wellness.

What training is available on Patient Activation Measurement?

The Academy, in partnership with Active Lancashire, runs regular 2 ½ hour workshops on PAM. This enables staff to gain an insight into Patient Activation, the Patient Activation Measurement (PAM) tool and how this can be used to tailor approaches and services to meet people’s individual needs.

Who is the audience?

  • Patient/ public facing members of staff working to support patient to self-manage
  • Staff/ practitioners engaged in patient segmentation, pathway design and managing risk etc.
  • Secondary care providers- teams with a specific focus on conditions. Diseases including cardiologists

The session includes:

  • How patient activation links in with personalised care
  • The meaning of patient activation
  • What the patient activation measurement tool is
  • How to evaluate a PAM score and what each PAM level represents
  • How you might tailor your approaches with the patient, dependent on their PAM level.  

For further details of the course and to register for a place please email:

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