What can I do if I think my child has SEND?

Public health services, such as health visitors (0-5 years) and school nurses (5-19 years) support children, young people and their families to receive the universal and progressive offer of care within the ‘Healthy Child Programme’ framework of services. If you believe your child may not be developing at the expected rate; contacting your child’s health visitor or school nurse for support may initially be helpful in identifying if your child has any additional needs. This may involve them further signposting your child to more specialist services if appropriate.

Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board commissions a variety of specialist services such as; speech and language, physio and occupational therapy services, community paediatrics, as well as child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) that may also support children and young people with SEND and their families. 

Further information including referral pathways may be accessed from the providers via their local offer websites.

If your child is of nursery or school age, please contact your child’s teacher or special educational needs coordinator (SENCO) for advice.

Transition and preparation for adulthood

From the age of 14 (or school year 9) young people should start to plan for their transition away from paediatric services. Your child’s clinician should begin to discuss what will happen and prepare you for that transition. Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board has a 3-tier offer for transition – universal, targeted and specialist.  Each of these offers is outlined in our transition framework. Some young people will transition into an equivalent adult service and others may be discharged to their GP.

Young people with a learning disability should be invited to see their GP each year for an annual health check. This will ensure that you are staying healthy and rule out any health concerns. If you are unsure if you are eligible, please contact your GP practice.

Lancashire and South Cumrbia Integrated Care Board is committed to helping children to prepare for adulthood and independence from the earliest age. Health visitors and school nurses are available to support with this.

Lancashire and South Cumbria is served by a number of health providers:

Access to these providers requires a referral from your GP or school, depending on the service.

All residents of Lancashire and South Cumbria are entitled to care by a local GP.  To find a GP click here.

All children under five are entitled to care from a health visitor and all children of school age have access to a school nurse linked to their school.  These services are provided by:

Accessibility tools

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