Relocation of PWE Accrington Victoria GP practice

Due to the Accrington Victoria Hospital building no longer being fit for purpose for healthcare provision, the PWE Accrington Victoria GP practice needs to relocate. Acorn Primary Health Care Centre in Blackburn Road is a potential new site for the practice, although no final decision has been made.

Our priority is to make sure patients have continued access to high-quality GP services. All the staff will remain unchanged so patients will continue to see the same people for their appointments. The way they contact the surgery will also remain unchanged, with the telephone number for the surgery remaining the same. The only difference would be the location of the practice.

We understand patients may have concerns or comments to make about this relocation and will host a drop-in session at the practice on Tuesday 22 October, from 10am to 11.30am. Patients are welcome to come into the surgery during that time to have a conversation with NHS staff who will be on hand to support them.

The survey regarding this relocation is now closed. Thank you to all who took part.

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